

  • Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse
    Your rights when you are unwanted pregnant
    When you are pregnant and the pregnancy is not planned or desired, there may be many questions you seek answers to. They can be emotional, financial and practical.
  • Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse
    Support before and after abortion
    In connection with abortion or considerations about abortion, you have the right to two support interviews, one before a possible abortion and one after an abortion.
  • Abortion if you are under 18?
    If you are under 18 and pregnant, your parents or guardian must give written permission for an abortion.
  • Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse
    Abortion after 12 weeks
    If you are more than 12 weeks into your pregnancy but want an abortion, this can only happen in special situations and you must have permission from the consultation for abortion in your region.
  • What is a pelvic examination?
    Usually the doctor will carry out an abdominal examination, also called a gynecological examination, when you want to have an abortion. As a rule, the examination only takes a few minutes.
  • Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse
    Hvordan får man en abort?
    If you have decided to have an abortion, the question arises as to what you must do to have the abortion and what happens in the process.
  • Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse
    Hvad er kirurgisk abort
    Surgical abortion means that a doctor uses instruments along with medicine to abort the fetus.
  • Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse
    What is medical abortion?
    Medical abortion means that you are given medication that causes the fetus to be aborted.
  • Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse
    Overvejer du abort?
    There can be many considerations for and against abortion if you are unwanted pregnant. It can be difficult and complicated, and there can be different reasons why you want an abortion.