Everything you need to know about the body and sex

Find our most important pages about body and sex right here

Knowledge for you

Ungt par læser om sexsygdomme på telefon

Sexually transmitted infections

Everything about STIs

Der er mange typer af prævention


All the information you need about contraception

Vi arbejder for fri abort i hele verden


Are you considering an abortion?

Knowledge for parents

Dear parent. Do you know what your child is up to?

Visit our pages with tips and good advice for parents about gender, body and sexuality.

Sex & Samfund guider forældre til snakken om køn, krop og seksualitet

Visit our contraception and counseling clinic

The clinic is a free and anonymous offer for you who live in the Capital Region of Denmark.

Our competent nurses and specialist doctors are ready to advise, examine or treat you. You do not need a referral from your doctor.

 Besøg Sex & Samfunds præventions- og rådgivningsklinik