Reassurance and respect are essential for good sexual experiences. That is why we need a culture of consent now.



The DFPA works for a culture based on consent. The Danish Consent Law is important, but the problem of sexual assaults and rape cannot be solved by legislation alone. It is largely about prevention!

Why consent is a key issue

Everyone has the right to decide about their own body and about with whom and when you want to have sex. No one should be subjected to sexual abuse, because this can have major consequences in the victims´lives.

When almost 12,000 people are raped or attempted to be raped every year in Denmark, something is very wrong!

If we are to put an end to the abuses, we need a culture of consent. Consent basically means that sex must be voluntary, based on safety and respect, and that one participates without psychological or physical coercion. Feeling safe and comfortable is the basis for good sexual experiences.

Therefore, we need a new culture in which peer pressure, alcohol and expectations of gender and sexuality do not cause anyone to overstep their own boundaries or those of others.

The society is failing the youth

Our generation of young people is facing a future with the same cross-border culture that previous generations have grown up in.

  • Every fourth young person aged 16-29 has had doubts as to whether they have exceeded their sexual partner's boundaries.
  • More than one in eight have been unsure whether their sex partner has consented to sex.
  • More than half have consented to something sexual, even if they didn't want to.

We can only solve these problems by doing away with the myths, norms and expectations about gender that prevail in our society and create a good and healthy culture of consent.

What does DFPA work for

In the end of 2020, we got a consent law in Denmark. It is a huge victory and an important milestone. But legislation cannot stand alone. A culture of consent is needed – in schools, in the education system, in workplaces, in nightlife and in our society in general.

Because the fact is that there is still a large group of children, young people and adults who are exposed to sexual transgressions and assaults every year. Therefore, the DFPA works for a widespread culture of consent and that more preventive measures are implemented in this area.

How does DFPA work with consent

  • We help those who are responsible for creating a new culture at workplaces, schools, in the nightlife and leisure organisations. We make presentations, help with the preparation of studies, policies or support processes that create a culture of consent.
  • We participate in the public debate to push norms and taboos.
  • We advise and provide information to young people about consent and limits in our counselling, the Sexline and in our sexual education for children and young people
  • Our volunteers work with local campaigns and youth involvement for a consent-based party culture
  • Across parties, we work for political changes that strengthen a consent-based culture.
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