
Are you considering abortion?

There can be many considerations for and against abortion if you are unwanted pregnant. It can be difficult and complicated, and there can be different reasons why you want an abortion.
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For some women, the changes of the body and the beginning signs of pregnancy can help make the decision to have an abortion extra difficult. Even if the body has set itself up to be pregnant, it does not have to be a wrong decision to choose an abortion.

In order for you to make the decision that is right for you, you must take into account both your feelings and your reason and carefully consider your specific situation. It is very common for people to have doubts and continue to consider the pros and cons until the last moment before the decision has to be made.

Talk to someone about your feelings

Prior to the decision to have an abortion, there can be many considerations for and against. Many feel very alone while having these considerations, regardless of whether they have a partner or not.

If you are considering abortion, it can help if you talk to someone about your thoughts and feelings. Talk to your partner, your friends or your family. If you want further advice, you can talk to the doctor or one of the organizations that offer support to women considering abortion. 


Reasons why you are considering abortion

There may be several reasons why you are considering terminating the pregnancy. Maybe you already have the children you want or can afford to have. Perhaps you cannot fathom having a child at this time. Or maybe you don't want to have children at all. You may also be worried about what people around you may say, whether you choose to have an abortion or want to keep the baby.

Write down the thoughts you have about each point. That may provide some clarification. You can possibly take the written document with you if you accept the offer of a support interview. Your own reasons for the decision to have an abortion are the most important and the most correct.


If you are alone in the decision

Some women are left to make the decision themselves.

In such a situation, it can help to share the worries and considerations with a good friend or family member.

If you are not in a steady relationship with the person you became pregnant with, it can be difficult to tell both that you are pregnant and that you are considering an abortion.

Therefore, considerations about whether you should involve him in your pregnancy will often take up a lot of your thoughts.

It can be nice to know that no one has the right to know anything about your considerations and you alone have the right to make the decision.

If you are in a relationship

If you live in a permanent relationship, it can still be difficult to talk about abortion if you have different wishes for having a child or an abortion.

Even if you have different feelings and maybe also wishes for the future, it can support you to talk about the decision together, and maybe you can use the situation to get to know each other better.

If you cannot talk to your partner or feel pressured by him or her, it may be a good idea to talk to another person.

Regardless of what you and your partner choose, you must be able to live with the consequences of the choice you make.

Therefore, it is important to think the decision through carefully and choose what is right for you.

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You can share your thoughts with others

Regardless of the situation you are in, you may need to talk through the options and the decision with an outsider who will listen and not pressure you into a particular decision.

Your general practitioner must and will be happy to advise you in the decision, if you wish. There are also a number of other places where you can seek advice and guidance.

If you are under 18 years of age

If you are under 18, you must have your parents' written consent for an abortion. If you are very young, your surroundings will often expect you to want an abortion. Therefore, it can be difficult to make the decision that is right for you, because you may feel pressured and will be extra aware of the expectations and reactions of those around you.

You can read more about how you can get an abortion as a minor under the age of 18 via the link below.

Abortion under 18

If you already have a child

If you recently became a mother, it can be extra hard to choose between a child or an abortion. Even if you are certain that you cannot handle one more child, it is normal to feel that it is difficult to make the final decision about abortion because of the emotions you have as a new mother.