
Children and gender

Girls play with beads – and boys with cars. Or what? As a parent, you help to shape your child's view of gender.
Som forælder er du med til at præge dit barns syn på kønnene.

Girls wear pink clothes and play with dolls. Boys are wild, make noise and play with cars. In many places in society we encounter a fixed view of gender.

We see it in the toy shops, where the toys are divided into boys' and girls' items. In the daycare centers, where the game offers can be different for boys and girls respectively. And also in the media we meet the stereotypical image of men and women.

Dit barns kønsudtryk kan sagtens ændre sig

Small children do not know the norms of adults

Young children do not know society's norms, but they are made aware early on that there is a difference between the genders.

You can help your child to be who they are - and express their gender however they want -  by giving them the space to experiment and by showing and telling that one's gender does not mean one has to be or look like a certain way.

It's beautiful to wear nail polish

For example, if your child wants to dress in clothes and colors that stand out from the norm, then let him/her do it.

If a little boy wears a dress and nail polish, or a girl prefers to jump in a spiderman outfit, it's most likely because they think it's cool.

Norms for gender are created to a large extent through language. When you talk about boys' and girls' games, girl's or boy's colors, or use phrases like girly boys, you cement the gender norms.

Boost your child's self-esteem

  • Your child has the right to wear the clothes they want - even if they stand out from the crowd.
  • Consider the words you use about boys and girls. If you use words like boy colors and girl things, you cement gender norms.
  • Show your child that there are many ways to be your gender. It's fine to be a wild girl or a quiet boy.

Your child's expression of gender changes

The way your child expresses their gender and lives out their sexuality is not something that is fixed from day one.

It can shift and change throughout puberty, youth and adulthood.

Gender and gender norms are generally changeable. For example, it was once the norm for women not to wear pants.