
Support before and after abortion

In connection with abortion or considerations about abortion, you have the right to two support interviews, one before a possible abortion and one after an abortion.
Kvinde får lavet gynækologisk undersøgelse

The purpose of a support interview before a possible abortion is to support you in making the decision to carry out the pregnancy or to have an abortion. After an abortion, the aim is to remove the psychological problems you may have. In some places, the support interview is also called an abortion interview.

The support conversation is free and must not pressure you into making a choice you do not want.


Here you can get a support conversation

You must decide for yourself which advice offer of support interview you want to make use of. It is up to you to seek out the counseling offers yourself.

In the event of an abortion after the 12th week, you have the right to psychological help

If you have an abortion after 12 weeks as a result of malformations of the fetus or the like, you have the option of getting psychological help in addition to a regular support interview. You must consult your doctor if you feel the need for psychological help.

Your doctor must inform you about the options available to get health insurance subsidies for psychological help for up to 12 consultations. In order for you to receive funding for the treatment, your doctor must refer you to a psychologist.


Kvinde i samtale

After-reaction to abortion

You can have different reactions after an abortion.

Most women feel relief after the abortion procedure. But at the same time, it is also quite common to have difficult feelings.

Some women experience sadness and a feeling of emptiness. It is a normal reaction to a miscarriage

If you need to talk about the abortion

Some women may experience a psychological reaction in connection with abortion.

It may be an idea to talk to a friend about the thoughts and feelings you have had in connection with the abortion process.

The healthcare staff will also always be ready to support you.

If you feel depressed or experience mood swings in the weeks following the procedure, you should contact your doctor and talk about it.

You always have the right to a support interview after an abortion - if the abortion took place after the 12th week of pregnancy, you also have the right to psychological help.

Abortion can be a psychological burden

Many women feel happy and sad at the same time and cry easily. This is a normal reaction to the physical and psychological upheaval that has occurred. Therefore it does not mean that the choice of abortion was wrong.

For the vast majority, having an abortion is a serious decision. The decision to abort constitutes a psychological burden for the woman or the couple who choose abortion, both when the decision has to be made and after the procedure.


Changed outlook on life

The decision and considerations before an abortion may make you question different aspects of your life. This means that an abortion can lead to, for example, relationships or education being taken up for a review. Some psychological difficulties after an abortion can thus be connected to conflicts and considerations that already could be found before the abortion.