
What is soft chancre?

Soft chancre is caused by infection with the bacterium Hemophilus ducreyi. The disease is also called ulcer molle. Soft chancre can occur on the genitals in both women and men.
Ikke alle  sexsygdomme giver symptomer

Blød chanker smitter ved direkte seksuel kontakt og smitter ved kontakt, så længe der er symptomer.

The disease is found mostly in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, especially in areas where the hygienic standard is low. It is also found among sex workers here. In Denmark, only a few cases are seen each year where men are infected through unsafe sex abroad.

How does soft chancre spread?

Soft chancre is transmitted by direct sexual contact and is transmitted by contact as long as there are symptoms. The disease does not spread to other parts of the body.

There is no transmission from mother to child during birth.

Condom protects against infection.

What are the symptoms of soft chancre?

A few days (2-7 days) up to 14 days after infection, a sore or painful sore appears on or around the genitals. There may be several wounds at the same time.

The wound is not firm to the touch, but soft, hence the name soft chancre. It is tender and bleeds easily when touched.

There may be swelling and tenderness in the lymph nodes in one groin and an abcess may develop which may burst.

How is soft chancre tested and treated?

Soft chancre is detected by the doctor either by looking at the symptoms or by taking swabs from wounds or boils. The treatment consists of antibiotics.

Possible consequences of soft chancre

If you wait to see a doctor, abcesses can develop in the groin which can burst and form oozing sores.